this is funny!
Can you name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people. Ready, Start!
1. Wai
2. Cat
3. Kel
4. Denise
5. Elin
6. Beks
7. Eve
8. Alex
9. Lock
10. Crystal
11. Min
12. Ronny
13. Mel
14. Roy
15. Belle
16. Ed
17. Danny
18. Jon
19. Cain
20. Sera
21. Hazel
How did you meet 14?
Back when i was underaged.. at the esplanade during the hair show. THIS BUGGER THOUGHT I WAS 20++. great! i was only 17!
What would you do if you never met 6?
I wont have a thai twin, no one to have supper with, no one to whine to, no one to buy me spicegirls postcards, no one to go checkers with.. many things. im glad i met 6! :)
What would you do if 20 and 9 date?
HAHAHA!! 20, no longer a goldstar? 9, you like what. HAHA.
Did you ever like 5?
Like in the likeylikey way? nooo. shes my good friend whom ive known since i was 8. i love!
Would 3 and 12 make a good couple?
Prolly not, but then again opposites attract. Weirder things have happened.. haha.
Describe 8:
Emo guy. Says the weirdest things. Calls me at 1130pm to go downstairs for a smoke. known for 8 years. gosh! oh yes, nice voice.. and can play the guit!
Do you think 13 is attractive?
haha yes. but its sucha wrong thing to say! my cousin leh.
Tell me something about 17:
my fav bro outta the 2 im stuck with :p a terribly fearless shopaholic with a great sense of style. Last seen, 11 months ago.
Do you know any of 4’s family members?
Yes, from her mom to her sis to her bro to her uncle to her aunty to her granny..... haha. we've gone clubbing with her mom even!
What’s 21’s favorite color?
Green? hazel tell me im right?
What would you do if 18 just confessed he/she liked you?
HAHAHA. wtf!
What language does 20 speak?
queer language lah!
Who is 9 going out with?
LOCK WHO ARE YOU GOING OUT WITH TONITE? he's out with a diff girl everynight. its really hard to keep track.
What does 16 do?
bumming. playing mj. ktv-ing. eating. eating. eating. wearing red shirt with a pair of red berms... yup!
When’s the last time you talked to 13?
does an sms count? monday!
What perfume does number 2 use?
she has the anna sui dolly, gucci rush 2, mcqueen, pleasure, esprit... am i right??
Would you ever date 7?
been there done that what, havent you seen the pictures?? =D haha.
Would you ever date 1?
well, our fav headofthesch said shes my IDOL..... and no i wont date 1. shes no longer queer!
Is 15 single?
nopeeeee. shes taken!
What is 19’s last name?
lim. in my phone, he put.. 'cain e man'
Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 11?
i adore my rockee, but no. :)
What school does 3 go to?
smps, smss, tp
Where does 10 live?
What’s your favorite thing about 10?
Have you seen number 13 naked?